What is compliance Testing?
Compliance Testing monitors the efficiency and reliability of the game on the end users devices. It’s one of the primary demands of the First Party app stores. Video games are not just about becoming a critical hit on the market but also about being favorable. To generate funds through a game, it must follow the rules of the First Party i.e. Apple and Google.
Therefore, it has mandatory regulations which ensures the game adheres to the laws and regulations of the first party.
When to test the Compliance of a Game?
We perform this testing when a build hits Alpha milestones. Therefore, we at Spawn Point support complete test coverage and hassle-free submission. For instance, our team conducts thorough testing of compliance based on revised First Party rules and regulations. We assure that the first submission passes across all platforms (Android and iOS).
In addition, we use a variety of tools for testing this process. These tools help track defects, action and stability monitoring.
This holds an experienced team to examine that they review all boxes of the compliance index.
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